Bobby Deeds

Certified Wildlife Biologist

Consultant / Record Rack Deer Feeds

Raised on a working cattle ranch in Central Texas with a strong focus on Wildlife Management, Bobby pursued an education in Agriculture and Wildlife Management from Angelo State University. He received a BS and MS in Animal Science/ Range and Wildlife Management (2004). Bobby is a Certified Texas State Wildlife Biologist and consults landowners and ranch managers on current management practices to improve wildlife production. He has been employed as a consultant by Cargill Animal Nutrition for nine years where he works with ranch managers, deer breeders, land owners and other biologists to evaluate and improve both habitat and the overall nutritional plane available to wildlife through current range management practices and effective supplementation programs. He is actively involved in education regarding current wildlife management techniques and habitat improvement methods through many state and national venues.

Acco Farm & Ranch Wildlife Services


We are proud to have Bobby as a resource for our valued customers.  Call us today to set up a personal professional consultation with Bobby Deeds. He is extremely knowledgeable about both the animals and the deer. He can help you develop a plan to grow your own Record Rack bucks just like you see in this PHOTO GALLERY. He can come out to your ranch, pull brow samples, and find out what specific program will work best for your deer. Call Kevin Jackson to schedule your consultation at 325-676-3333.